"One of the Very Best Outdoor-Based Crime Dramas"

Pre-publication reviews of The Precipice have come fast and furious this week, and today it is Booklist's turn with another starred review:

Doiron, like Keith McCafferty in Crazy Mountain Kiss (2015), manages to write evocatively about the wilderness while at the same time showing how it can be a deadly adversary. Not that humans aren’t even more deadly, as Bowditch discovers when he’s forced to go up against the drug-dealing Dow family, who terrorize the surrounding community much in the manner of the Ames clan in Jim Harrison’s The Big Seven (2015). This is one of the finest entries in a uniformly strong series that has quietly taken its place among the very best outdoors-based crime dramas.

Keith McCafferty is an exciting new writer whose work I recommend, and I will happily take any comparisons to the great Jim Harrison — which reminds me that I need to add The Big Seven to my reading list.