"Suspenseful and Gripping"

John Cleal has a glowing review of The Poacher's Son up today at Reviewing the Evidence:

But it is the wilderness itself and its animal inhabitants that are the real stars of this book. Doiron is a registered Maine guide and his love of one of the few remaining unspoiled stretches of north east America is almost palpable and his wonderfully evocative descriptions drag you into the tangle of bogs, giant trees and dense undergrowth that frame Mike's working life. You feel his character's anger at the heartless developers, constantly buying up land for exclusive developments for the rich and threatening to end a way of life that has existed for generations.

Doiron combines a love story with his pain at the state's shrinking wilderness with a study of a son struggling to love and be loved by his father, and in the process provides a gripping murder mystery. THE POACHER'S SON has already won awards in America and should collect plenty more.

Fingers crossed.